Video: What Kids Should Expect from an Allergy Test
One of our young patients created a great video about what kids can expect from an allergy test. Aspen of Aspen’s Awesome Life visited one of our offices for an allergy test with Dr. Turbyville. Watch the video below to learn allergy testing for kids:
Allergy testing can sound scary for children, but Aspen helped shine a light the process for kids! A skin allergy test is done on the back, where a nurse takes small plastic toothpicks dipped in allergens and lightly pokes the back. If your child is allergic to an allergen, a small red bump will appear. These reactions are itchy, uncomfortable, and may feel a bit weird, though they are not painful. Our nurses are trained to work with kids and give the test as quickly and gently as possible.
In some cases, more testing is needed to determine an allergy. An intradermal test is done on the arm to provide more detailed results. During these tests, a small amount of the allergen is injected under the skin of the arm to see if it causes a reaction.
Other tips to prepare for an allergy test:
Bring a Distraction
We recommend bringing a comfort toy, book, or an electronic tablet to distract your child. A toy can help pass time and distract them during the long initial appointment.
Talk to Your Child About the Allergy Test
Help your child understand what will happen during the test. Reassure them that the test will not be painful, and explain to them it is necessary to learn what they are allergic to and will help them feel better.
For more information on how to prepare your child for an allergy test visit: How to Prepare Your Child for Allergy Testing
In the end, you will leave the appointment knowing what your child is allergic to and with a plan to help. Our allergists will work with you to develop an action plan, whether it involves avoidance measures, medication, allergy shots or a combination of those.
If you think your child has allergies, allergy testing is an important step to identify the specific allergens and prevent future suffering. At Family Allergy & Asthma, our main goal is to remove the limitations that allergies and asthma place on our patients, to the greatest possible extent. If you’d like more information about allergy testing or to schedule an appointment, contact us online or give us a call at 800.999.1249.
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[…] A cold may last for a few days, but children who are allergic to family pets often present very differently. Children may get a rash, and even redness or itching where your pet has licked them. They may sneeze or start coughing when your pet is nearby or have chronic sinus infections. In between the sinus infections, they may have a persistent nasal drip and runny nose. Some children may begin to have asthmatic symptoms that make it difficult for them to breathe. Any of these symptoms are grounds to bring in your child for an allergy test. […]
[…] Click here to watch a video a patient made on “What Kids Should Expect from an Allergy Test.&#… […]
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