In the Media

WDRB Spoke to Dr. James Sublett on Early Pollen Levels

We’re less than a month away from spring now and yet warm temperatures have many enjoying time outside. We’ve already seen unusual levels of tree pollen in Louisville, but as WDRB found out the warm weather is changing winter plans for many. See tips for allergy sufferers below! See the full story here: Warm Temperatures Changing

Dr. Jason Guin Talks to Courier-Journal about Preparing for Spring Allergies

Those who suffer from spring allergies can start preparing now! Dr. Jason Guin talked to Darla Carter of the Courier-Journal about preparing for spring allergies. Preparing includes using nasal sprays or taking an anti-inflammatory drug. With the change in climate, our allergists have seen pollen start to appear earlier and earlier over the years, pollen used

Dr. Tim Franxman talks Winter Allergies with Fox19 Now

Dr. Tim Franxman talked to Fox19 Now in Cincinnati about winter allergies. Many people ask if they have allergies or an infection? Think about the duration of symptoms? Cold – 2-3 days Allergies – 4-6 weeks Do you have a fever? If you are running a fever you may need to talk to your primary