Drs Douglas Lotz and James Sublett, two of FAA’s key physicians, have entered new postions within our company! Dr. Lotz is now our Chief Medical Officer (CMO), while Dr. Sublett is stepping into a co-founder/Vice-Chair position. Read more in the official press release: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/711503143/family-allergy-asthma-announces-new-positions-for-key-physicians
https://familyallergy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/faa-logo.png00Madelyn Careyhttps://familyallergy.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/faa-logo.pngMadelyn Carey2024-05-23 14:53:202024-05-23 14:53:20New CMO and Vice-Chair at FAA!
Dr. DeJarnatt on WNBJ 39
/in MediaDr. Ciliberti on WAVE 3 News
/in General, MediaNew CMO and Vice-Chair at FAA!
/in MediaDrs Douglas Lotz and James Sublett, two of FAA’s key physicians, have entered new postions within our company! Dr. Lotz is now our Chief Medical Officer (CMO), while Dr. Sublett is stepping into a co-founder/Vice-Chair position. Read more in the official press release: https://www.einpresswire.com/article/711503143/family-allergy-asthma-announces-new-positions-for-key-physicians