Vacationing with Summer Allergies

Summer is well on its way. School’s out and you might be one of the many taking a vacation this summer. Whether you are planning more of a staycation or you’re headed off to the beach, don’t let your allergies derail your plans. Summer Triggers Many find relief from their seasonal allergies during the summer

May is National Asthma and Allergy Awareness Month

Asthma and allergies are not only two of the most common diseases but also two of the most overlooked. In the United States, 25 million people suffer from asthma and 50 million suffer from allergies, though many go untreated. Asthma and allergies are leading causes for hospital visits and missed days of work and school.

Louisville Named Second Worst City to Live In with Spring Allergies

Challenging Cities to Live in for Allergy Sufferers Annually the Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America (AAFA) ranks the most challenging cities to live in while suffering from Spring Allergies. Louisville has previously nabbed the top spot of both the Worst Spring and Fall Allergy city lists, but this year Louisville dropped to the second

Most Patients Aren’t Actually Allergic to Penicillin

  Many patients who claim to have penicillin allergies may not actually be allergic to the antibiotic, according to 2 studies presented at the American College of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (ACAAI) Annual Scientific Meeting held November 6-10, 2014, in Atlanta, Georgia. Patients who believe they are allergic to penicillin are given alternate antibiotics prior

How to Make Indoors Safer for Allergy Sufferers

As temperatures start to cool, time spent indoors increases for most people. Dr. Jim Sublett was interviewed by the AP for an article on how to make your indoor spaces safer for allergy sufferers. The article has been picked up by media across the country and has some great tips. Below is a version of

Chlorine Sensitivity versus Allergy

While you aren’t allergic to chlorine, you might suffer from chlorine sensitivity. Learn more from Dr. Grace Ryu.

FDA Approves New Allergy Tablets

The FDA has recently approved oral immunotherapy tablets for sale within the US. There are now three allergy tablets approved by the FDA: Oralair (5 different grasses) Grastek (timothy grass) Ragwitek (ragweed) These are all fast-dissolving tablets that are placed under the tongue and contain specific pollen extracts.  They are meant to be taken at

Allergy Shots Help with Pet Allergies

As printed in the Wall Street Journal – By Heidi Mitchell, Nov. 19, 2013 Pet Allergies No Deterrent for Determined Owners Many endure wheezing, hives and more for the sake of puppy love When Jennifer Richter learned that her 2-year-old daughter was allergic to Jack, the family cat, there was only one option. Her daughter