New Office Opening

Allergy Office Opening in Bardstown Kentucky

Bardstown Allergy Office Opening November 8 The “Coming Soon” banner is officially up in Bardstown, Kentucky! Family Allergy & Asthma’s new Bardstown allergy office will open on November 8; we will be closing our Lebanon, Kentucky office after November 2. We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause our current Lebanon patients. If you have

Oxford Moving

Our Richmond, Kentucky Office is Moving!

We’re excited to announce that on September 11th, we are moving our Richmond, Kentucky allergy office to a new location. Our new location is larger with more patient rooms and a larger waiting room!  This office will serve Richmond and the surrounding areas of Madison County in Kentucky. Drs. Arora and Dyer will continue to see

Back to school with Food Allergies

Back to School with Food Allergies

The beginning of a school year is a great time to talk to children about their food allergies. Review their Food Allergy Emergency Treatment Plan and more.

air louisville logo

Air Louisville Study Completed!

Improving Asthma in Louisville, Kentucky Over two years ago the Air Louisville study began. It tracked asthma inhaler usage in Louisville through Propeller Health Bluetooth sensors installed on inhalers. Family Allergy & Asthma partnered with Air Louisville to help distribute the sensors to patients with asthma. The sensors track when, where, and how many times the asthma

Main Allergy Culprits During Seasons

Pollen Throughout the Year

Pollen varies depending on the area of the country, and when pollen releases into the air can depend on the winter weather. A more mild winter will encourage the trees to bloom sooner, while if our winter lasts into March, it can delay the tree blooms. Over the last few years, you may have heard