
Recent EpiPen News

There have been several EpiPen updates in the news recently. Going back to May, there has been a shortage of the EpiPen epinephrine auto-injectors. According to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), this is due to manufacturing delays and has lead to supply constraints in pharmacies across the country. For patients who have been unable

Girl holding ragweed plant

Prepare for Ragweed Allergy Season

Fall Allergies & Ragweed Pollen It seems like summer has just started, but we’ve already spotted weed pollen in our counts, so we know fall allergies are not too far away. Now is the time to prepare. If you usually have fall allergies, it’s essential to begin your allergy medications a few weeks before you

New Office Opening

Allergist Office Opening in Milford, Ohio

We are excited to announce that on August 7, 2018, we will open a new office on the east side of Cincinnati in Milford. This will be our third office in the Metro Cincinnati area, joining our Florence and Newport locations. Our board-certified allergists are specially trained to diagnose and treat patients with allergies, asthma,

Oxford Moving

Shelbyville, Kentucky Allergy Office Moving

We’re excited to announce that on Monday, July 30th, we are moving our Shelbyville, Kentucky allergy office to a new location. Our new location is larger with more patient rooms and a larger waiting room! It is located less than a half a mile down Midland Trail in a new shopping center.  The new office

medications asthma allergies

Ask the allergist: How to safely dispose of unused allergy and asthma medication

Do you have unused or expired allergy and asthma medications? You might be wondering how to dispose of them. Here’s how.