Asthma during the holiday season

Allergies During the Holiday Season

There’s a chill in the air, holiday music playing on the radio, and just about a hundred tasks to get done before the 25th. It’s not just the holiday season, for many, it is tissue season as well. There are many different allergy triggers you can run into during the holidays, whether it is your

Allergy Apps

7 Apps to Help Manage Allergies and Asthma

If you’ve ever wished that there was an app to make life with allergies and asthma better, there is! In fact, we’ve recommended 7 that will make life easier!

Halloween Tips for Children with Allergies and Asthma

Halloween Tips for Children with Allergies and Asthma

If you have a child with asthma or allergies, Halloween becomes less of a fun event and another thing to worry about. Learn about the Teal Pumpkin project!

Fight fall allergies now

Start Fighting Fall Allergies Now!

Fall isn’t quite here, but allergy seasons don’t exactly follow the calendars. Beginning in late summer in Kentucky and Indiana, those with mold and ragweed allergies can start to react to the increasing pollen counts. You might not be feeling your allergies yet, however, before allergy season goes into full swing you’ll want to start

Oxford Moving

Our Madison Office is Moving!

We’re excited to announce that on October 5th, we are moving our office to a new location. Our new location is larger with a more convenient parking lot located on the corner of Michigan and E. Clifty Dr. Drs. Feger, Otto and Franxman will continue to see patients at our new office. If you have