In the Media

Dr. Lotz Allergy Tests WHAS’ Michelle Arnold On-Air

WHAS 11’s Michelle Arnold was testing on air to see what was causing her allergies to flare. The result — it was easier to say what she wasn’t allergic to than the few allergens that did not react! Dr. Doug Lotz suggested immunotherapy (allergy shots) since Michelle was allergic to so much. Watch on YouTube

Dr. Sublett Talks Spring Allergies on WDRB

Coughing? Itchy, watery eyes? Sneezing? Stuffy head? Answer yes to any of these and you may be suffering from spring allergies, especially you live in the Louisville, KY area. Trees and flowers are beginning to bloom and the grass is growing, all of which combined means the start of another tough allergy season. Our doctor,

Dr. Jim Sublett Quoted in New York Times Flu Vaccine Article

Amid an unusually widespread outbreak of the flu, a medical association of allergy specialists said Friday that even children with severe egg allergies should get flu shots. Because the vaccine is grown in chicken eggs, manufacturers recommend that the roughly 2 percent of all children who have egg allergies not get them. Dr. James Sublett