In the Media

Insider Louisville talks to Dr. Wes Sublett on Spring Allergies

Dr. Wesley Sublett explained how Louisville’s seasons, regional pollen mix, and river basin make it tough for allergy sufferers who live in the Louisville area. The article covers many tips on what allergy sufferers should do to make sure this season a little easier and Dr. Sublett explained starting medications early really does help. Read

Dr. James Sublett Weighs in on Air Purifiers with Time

“Should I use an air purifier?” Many patients and consumers wonder if an air purifier can help their indoor environment. Our own Dr. James Sublett spoke to Time about air purifiers and which ones work and which ones they should stay away from using in your home. What about air ionizers? He recommends skipping ionizing

Is it a Cold? Or is it Allergies? Dr. Warrier Discusses on “Mom to Mom”

We get this question a lot, what is the difference between a cold and allergies? Dr. Warrier talked to ABC36’s Sarah Pannell on “Mom to Mom” to explain what differentiates the two conditions. Differences between a Cold and Allergies Common symptoms of both include: Runny or Stuffy Nose Congestion Watery Eyes Sneezing Colds are caused