Midwest Spring Allergies

Spring Pollen Allergies in the Midwest: Ohio

Trusted providers of allergy and asthma care for more than 40 years. Contact us today if you have spring allergies!

Otto collecting Pollen in Florence Ky

What is a Pollen Count?

We talk a lot about pollen here at Family Allergy & Asthma, because it causes many problems for our patients, luckily it’s one we can help. As allergists, it’s important to know what allergens are in our local air to better help our patients. Pollen types can vary from region to region depending on what

Valentine's day flowers - allergy blog

Allergic to Valentine’s Day?

This holiday has its heart in the right place, yet it can be sour for those with allergies. See our tips for navigating Valentine’s Day allergies safely!

woman blowing nose

Do you have a Cold, Flu or Allergies?

Due to the similarity in symptoms, it can be difficult to know whether you have a cold, flu or allergies. See what your symptoms suggest!

keep asthma under control this winter

Keep Asthma Under Control This Winter

Kentucky and Southern Indiana winters are notorious for their sporadic temperature changes, however it looks like winter is finally here to stay. Changing weather, especially when it comes with cold, dry air can make it more difficult to breathe. When cold, dry air enters the lungs it causes the airways to contract, which is dangerous