In the Media

Dr. Leena Padhye talks with WTHR-TV on Spring Allergies

Many people are sneezing and sniffling as spring allergies are nearing their peak. Dr. Leena Padhye, located in the Indianapolis metro area, talks with WTHR-TV on how to help your allergy symptoms for this spring!

Dr. Arora Talks with ABC 36 on COVID-19 vs. Allergy Symptoms

Spring allergy season is underway, and there’s an additional problem. Several symptoms for allergy sufferers are the same as Coronavirus. See what the difference is.

Two Columbus, Ohio Practices Join Family Allergy & Asthma

Louisville-based Family Allergy & Asthma has acquired Midwest Allergy, Asthma, & Immunology this week, just a couple of weeks after adding Allergy & Asthma Clinics of Ohio.