In the Media

Dr. Priya Warrier Discusses the Affects of Weather on Allergies with WKYT

With all the rain we’ve seen this year already, we can expect plants to produce more pollen this spring. Learn which type of weather condition can flare your allergy symptoms up by watching Dr. Warrier’s interview with WKYT. “Every year I think we hear stories of how this is going to be the worst year

Dr. Wesley Sublett talks to WAVE3 News About a New Peanut Allergy Medicine

Dr. Wesley Sublett and Dr. Stephen Pollard both played a role in bringing Palforzia to the market, which is the first drug to treat peanut allergies in kids between the ages of 4 to 17. Family Allergy & Asthma has been an investigative site for the development of the drug for nearly two years. The

3 Allergists To Join Family Allergy & Asthma

Former Allergy Care Allergists, Leave Advanced ENT December 30, 2019 – Louisville, KY – Mark Corbett, MD, Jennifer Gentner, MD, and Thomas Glass, MD, have severed ties with Advanced ENT & Allergy after merging with them in January of 2018. Effective January 1, 2020, the board-certified allergists will join Family Allergy & Asthma (FAA), the